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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:31    点击次数:79

雷递网 乐天 5月11日浙江吉利控股集团CEO李东辉日前在极氪上市晚宴上表示,极氪IPO是吉利控股整体战略规划的一个缩影。“我们通过IPO增加企业治理的透明度和规范性,提升子业务集团经营核算的独立性和完整性,提高运行效率,以负责任的态度,更好地同用户、行业,监管机构、投资机构沟通,推动企业全球合规治理。”据介绍,极氪昨日正式在美国纽交所挂牌上市。因获超额认购,极氪扩大了IPO规模,以每股21美元的价格累计发行2100万股美国存托股票(ADS,每份ADS对应10份普通股),募资约4.41亿美元,若承销商行使其超额配售权,则发行规模将进一步扩大至2415万股ADS,募资约5.07亿美元。极氪首日开盘价为26美元,较发行价上涨23.8%;收盘价为28.26美元,较发行价上涨34.57%;以收盘价计算,公司市值为69亿美元。以下是浙江吉利控股集团CEO李东辉晚宴发言:Daniel Li Dinner Speech各位来宾、合作伙伴、媒体朋友们:Dear guests, partners, and friends from the media:大家晚上好!Good Evening!今天是激动人心的一天,感谢在座所有人的关心和支持!我相信极氪在这个全球交易最活跃,最具影响力的资本市场一定会迎来更加美好的未来。Today is an exciting day, thank you to everyone for your long term support and commitment.Zeekr will surely have a bright future ahead now that it is listed on the world’s most active and influential capital market.吉利控股集团是一家智能电动出行和能源服务科技公司,旗下各品牌相互独立、协同发展,各自围绕用户、品牌定位,积极参与市场竞争,满足不同细分市场用户需求。各品牌在基础技术研究、基础架构开发等方面寻求协同,最大限度共享集团资源,为用户创造更大价值。吉利控股集团以电动化和智能化转型为核心,在新能源科技、人机交互、智能驾驶、车载芯片、低轨卫星等前沿科技领域进行了战略布局,为子品牌成长提供强大助力。Geely Holding Group has grown to become a global smart electric mobility technology company.We have a diverse portfolio of brands, which are independent of each other, yet work closely together on technologies.Each brand has their unique positioning and actively competes to meet the needs of consumers in different market.They seek synergies in core R&D and infrastructure to maximize the efficient use of group resources and create greater value for users.With a strong focus on intelligence and electrification, we have developed leading technologies in new energy, HMI, autonomous driving, vehicle chips, and satellites to support the growth of our brands.极氪IPO是吉利控股整体战略规划的一个缩影。我们通过IPO增加企业治理的透明度和规范性,提升子业务集团经营核算的独立性和完整性,提高运行效率,以负责任的态度,更好地同用户、行业,监管机构、投资机构沟通,推动企业全球合规治理。Zeekr's IPO is a just one part of Geely Holding’s long-term strategy.By listing our brands, we increase their transparency, raise their corporate governance standards, and improve their independence, integrity, and efficiency - which ultimately lead to better communication with users, partners, regulators, and investors.全球新能源汽车市场蕴含着巨大发展机遇。极氪定位豪华智能纯电品牌,是吉利电动化、高端化、全球化的重要一环。我相信极氪一定能抓住历史机遇,在新的起点上探索长期可持续发展之路,以更加优异的成绩回馈用户、回馈投资者、回馈社会!There are huge demands and opportunities in the global new energy vehicle market.Zeekr is positioned as a premium electric mobility brand and is an important pillar supporting Geely's electric transformation.I believe that Zeekr will be able to seize this historic opportunity and become a sustainable business that unlocks long term value for users, investors and society.再次感谢大家的支持!让我们共同举杯,庆祝这一难忘时刻!Thank you again for your support! Let us raise a toast together in celebration of this moment!雷递由媒体人雷建平创办,若转载请写明来源。

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